Thursday 9 June 2011


"Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end, u know u're just screwin' urself"- Unknown

Hokayh~ got dat from somewhere. I find it hilariously true. (=,=" don't get me wrong pple..puh-leez~

Kay, 'nuff bout tht...
So, I'm a student, rite? aaaaand we're definitely the kind to procrastin8 rite?
Procrastination wud be my el~companion foreva n evaa
It's just impossible to not, not procrastinate...^^"
We do it all the time. Like, as I'm typing this post here, I'm procrastinating and it feels goooOO0~od and wrong at the same time..( =w= I'm s'pose ter be doin my assignments. Yargh! )

Some say it's like pickin on ur scab, u know it's bad for u but u still do it....

I think it's just natural if we avoid doing work and tasks when we don't feel like it..
Thr's just those days when u don't have the energy or willpower to do anything.
(=,=):And I wish those days wud just disappear~

Remember tht time,when u have tht important thing u shud do, but then tht stupid voice in the back of ur head said, " Nahh, u cn do it tomorrow. Don't worry~ u got lots ov time.. Yuppps." >:E Imma kill juu u stupid voice!!
And next thing u know, u're playing video games, twittering, facebooking, youtubing, blogging…oh wait..sounds familiar…*cough, cough..

Theeeeeeen…More work wud juz pile up n u're officially in deep sheyt...

I'd like to add a few tips for u guys on how to overcome procrastination…but,,,
(=w= Na~aah..I'll do tht tomorrow… )

Ngeeeeeee heee :D

Don't deny it, U're one of us.

Okiee peeps~ Buhbye Naww..

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