Hello, kamuu...
ape kabo?
ooo..baek...elok le,
ingtkn nazak td... >.>
Ape ak membebel nie?
Semester bruuuu~~ xD
Bukak pejam klopak mte nih dh msuk sem3 rupenye...
cpat btol mse blalu pergi.....smpai hati xtggu ak (eyh..nie tacim ni..sob3)
Nk abeskan 3taun diploma neh rse agk lme le jgk...(rse cm nk mntak bntuan Doraemon je bg cpat kn mase...ngeeee:D)
Tp le kn...lau dpndekkn mse tuh....rse mcm xsmpurna lak proses kematangan diri ini.. isk~
serba-serbuk rsenye~~~
So, this semester..me n my partner in crime Cik Ninie, sehati sejiwanG brkomplot tukaq cluzz..
No specific reason really...sje nk try bnde bru..oLd2 people say "nak tukaq angin" ...
Asalnye.. ktorg due je...n den pas inform kt Zee (xde kaitan ngn Zee-avi tq) beliau n kwannye Emy pon nk turut serta~
As usual, lam stiap kputusan kte wat tuh ade le konfliks2nyeeeeee~ ( Cornflakes?)
u.u member2 kecik ati n kompius, and ade yg putus asa dlm idop( pnipu besaa) bile dpt taw ktorg tuka cluzz...
Ak amek ksmpatan kt cnie nk mintak maaaaaaaaap byk2...
ktorg xgtaw awal2 tuh ad le sbbnye...
mmg silap gk ak xinform dorg lgsg...but, evrything has it's reasonss..eyh~?:D
nk mnambah lg...We can still see each other riiiteee??
No problemas :D
Nk kaitkn ngn topik post lk...muke2 bru yg dmksudkn ade loh..
muke2 classmates bru ktorg, bebudak MIC3B1 :D
Klakorr..stu klas ade 17 org je n sume pompuan...haha....(gelak x ikhlas)
tp highlights wud be lecturers yg ktorg dpt..smuenye Alhamdulillah~ baek2 velakee...<3
Yay!! I can do my assignments happily dis sem :D !!wewt~
MIC3A2~ See u guys next Semester Dudes n Dudettes!!!
ehem2... >_<