Sunday 12 June 2011

Old FrieNds-NeW FriEndS

I think it's time I talk about things that I highly appreciate in life.
That's right ------------------------------> F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Noooo...not tht TV series F.r.i.e.n.d.s, I'm talkin bout those hooligans tht make u happy, laugh, cry or all warm n fuzzy inside, and  wud occasionally drive u nuts with their shenanigans .
Aaahh...then again, what wud juu do without them.

Speaking of friends, I haven't been in touch with a lot of my old friends from primary n high school.
( I don't have friends from tadika cuz I was a big pemalas, went to tadika for 3 months only >;P I HATE TADIKA!!!Grrrr... )
It's a bit sad cuz, most part wud be my fault. I was under the assumption that, if they care, they wud contact me first, if they don't then that's that.
Yeaaaaaaa...I'm a lousy friend, I know.. :(  ( crowd: Boooo)
I'm sorry everyone... :(

But, I promise that'll change...  ^^

Lately I've started connectin with friends from my old school..n some from my online gaming friends.
( I miss my Luna online Homies :'(  )
and I'm super glad they're doin super fine :D. Ade yg dh kapel, ade yg btunang, yg kawin pooonnn....xade.

They've changed a lot since school days, I mean in a gud way :D, makin hensem, kacak, comeii, canteeyq, cuuuuun smuaaa ( ak dh puji ni kang duet raye kasi lebeyh arr...;o)
I'm happy seeing them pursuin their study, chasin their dreams..^.^
these are some of my old friends..<3 them ( sorry amek gmba korg tnpa izin!! xD)

I have to admit, memule tuh agak kecewa cuz I'm juz doin diploma n most of my friends got to do courses yg hebak2 blake...
but then, a wise friend told me,
 "It doesn't matter where u  start, it only matters where u end"

And in life, thr's always a hikmah as to why things turn out the way they are,
it might be a heavy burden for us to bear sometimes, but, Allah knows what's best for us and He'll never
burden His subjects beyond what they can bear. (Thanx to Kchah for givin me great her to death.)

So, back to the topic..
I've been in Kuala Pilah for a year n a half now^^ and life here is quite exciting.
I'm learning new things, seeing new places n of course makin' new friends :D
(crowd: Yay~ She knows how to make friends now~~)    wth??

my besties here wud be my two gals, Ninie n Zee....

Hihihihihihihi~~ Dorg le yg byk tulon ak time susah sng kt cni...tq3

Pendek kate, old friends,new friends they mean the world to me...
each n evryone of them is like a fingerprint, one of a kind :D ~

1 comment:

  1. hahaha!! where d hell did u get the dugong n jaws pitcheh????
