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'Sup ladies? |
Don't u dare disagree! >:( grrrr...
^o^ Hohoho
-sharpens mah Rambo-knife
Tringat time kecik2 dlu, byk gile kucing yg ak bela...lau umah xde kucing mmg xlengkap rsenye. Bleh kate mne2 ktorg pegi pon we have to have a CAT. Diorg ni mmg +1 entertainment for da family.
kebykan kucing yg ak bela kucing siam...( dorg warganegara malaysia k..)
kucing parsi ak lom try lg, dgr kte dorg demand tinggi cam Paris Hilton. So, kne tggu ak mng loteri dlu bru ak bela... =w="
Nie le antara kucin2 yg ak bela..cumil taaa?
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Ni nme die Lolita ( yes, it means "The Whore" =w= ) She's definitely one of da best cats I've own so far... RIP Lolita..I miss juuu...TT^TT |
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Jish ish Gyabo :D, my baby boy <3 He's so FLuffy I'm gonnNA DIE!!!!! |
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Ni lak Taboo, sbnrnye kucing jiran ak, tp die suke lepak kt umah ktorg ak dh anggp mcm sdare ak dh...siap kasi makan,mandi lg. So, mcm kucing ak gk lee...xD bolee k? |
Cats have tht sarcastic and smug look on their face xD which is funny, almost human-like, easy said they're like baduts laa..xD
Energetic at times, very lazy most of the times...;p
And even if kekadang they make a lot of mess and get into trouble, they'll make it up by purring and rollin around cutely~~
Irresistably and annoyingly cute..
geraaaammm ak nk geget diorg neyh!! >;x
Agak2 laww xde kucing kt dunie nie..binatang ape le yg boleh ganti dorg ekk??
hehe. comel gilax kucing pakai baju tu :D
ReplyDelete^.^ hihihi...bdan die gemok gile, nk bg pkai bju tuh susah gk..
ReplyDeletenak godzilla!!!